Hypnotherapy is a fast, effective way to bring about positive change in almost any area of your life.

Why Hypnotherapy
Your subconscious mind, which makes up an estimated 93% of your brain, is the source of your hopes, fears, habits and belief systems. It is your conscious, thinking mind that dictates your behaviour and actions and it is this part of your brain that resists changes you desire to make in your life.
It is your conscious, thinking mind that puts blocks or negative thoughts in place that result in bad habits, fear, anxiety, obstacles in changes to current behaviour, insomnia or "mental blocks" that prevent you from making positive changes you may desire.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work
Hypnotherapy is a hypnosis technique where we create a deeply relaxed state of being, where the brainwaves slow down - similar to day dreaming or meditating. In this state, resistance to the conscious thinking mind is set aside and we are able to access the pathways to change limiting behaviour and ingrained beliefs from the past.
Hypnotherapy allows you to remain in total control at all times and it feels fantastic - like blissful relaxation.
Hypnotherapy is gentle and very safe, and works quickly to bring powerful results.
Hypnotherapy is Effective For:
- Quitting smoking
- Weight loss
- Managing addictions
- Overcoming eating disorders
- Overcoming insomnia
- Personal development
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Eliminating fears and overcoming phobias
- Managing chronic pain

What is Hypnotherapy?:
Hypnotherapy is defined by the Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis as, "A state of focused attention and receptivity. Hypnosis at first brings on a deeply relaxed and calm state, both physically and psychologically. You will notice such physiological signs as slowed respiration, a low heart rate, warm and dry hands, and relaxed muscles. Pyschologically, you may feel calm, peaceful, and many have an 'empty' mind, relatively free of negative or distracting thoughts."

Hypnotherapy to Stop Shopping
Are you an obsessive shopper? Does your wallet and sense of accounting live in different states? Are you spending yourself into debt? Many people spend a lot of time buying what they don’t need and sometimes what they don’t actually want. Their shopping habits are out of control.

Hypnotherapy to Stop Gambling
Are you fed up of being a loser? Do others around you complain about your gambling? Is it finally time for you to quit gambling? Have you finally wised up that it is better to have your money in the bank than have someone else have your money in their bank? Are you tired of gambling?

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking
The Stopping Smoking Hypnosis program offers a complete treatment that: targets your unconscious mind, giving you the power to break subconscious smoking behaviours retrains your brain to think as a non-smoker, letting you embrace a life...

Hypnotherapy for Tinnitus
Do you have constant ringing in your ears? Have you tried endless medications, even surgery without relief? Does the constant noise make you depressed, tired and grumpy? Good news: there is help at hand with hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy for Diet and Weight Loss
Do you struggle with your weight or with your relationship with food? Have you become dissatisfied with your body shape? Are you looking for a program that really works?
Coaching and Hypnosis for weight loss deals with identifying the unconscious reason for being overweight and the emotional elements that contribute to having issues with food, while assisting you to release them. The purpose is to become aware of the unconscious patterns of behavior that up until this point, have seemed to fly under the radar and left you feeling as if you are victim of circumstance.

Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief
Are you suffering from demoralising and chronic pain? Hypnotherapy might be the answer for you.

Other Treatments.

Using a gentle blend of stretching and massage, myofascial release therapy uses hands-on manipulation of the entire body to promote healing, release and pain relief. This therapy asserts that poor posture, physical injury, illness and emotional stress can cause physical ailments, which creates tension in the fascia of the body. Dianne will place pressure on the bones, muscles, joints and nerves that will create a release and restore balance.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle but deep form of healing that removes blockages to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranium and spinal cord. This frees your nervous system and supports the natural healing processes. Dianne will use a gentle touch to 'listen' to the cerebrospinal pulsation throughout your body tissue to locate where the blockage may be. This therapy will then reestablish the organic flow by resolving any blockages and resistance.

With reflexology, Dianne will use a sequence of techniques on the feet, hands and outer ears. These focus on reflexes that correspond to parts of the body. When alternating pressure is applied this results in relaxation and a restoration of balance.

Got swelling? Wanting to Detox? Want to boost your immune system? One limb bigger than the other? Lymph Drainage is the answer.
Dianne is a lymph drainage, lymphoedema specialist. She will teach you how to manage any swelling, lymphoedema and lipodema yourself or with your carer. Pre and post surgery care. Cancer clients welcome. Dianne also uses Low Level Laser Therapy in her treatments. Compression Garments fitted. Dianne follows Professor Caseley-Smith method and Dr Vodder method of lymphatic drainage.
Consultation Fee: 1 hour $75.00
Platinum Detox: 1hour 3 times a week for one week. $200.00
Gold Detox: 1hour per week over 3 weeks. $210.00
Lymphatic drainage involves gentle rhythmical massage that aids the body in collecting and moving lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid delivers nutrients and antibodies to the cells of the body and removes toxins. Manual lymphatic drainage works on the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and improves sleep patterns.